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12 April 2007

Last day

Aaaw who'd've thought, after my first semester here, that I'd actually be sad to see my classes go! Sure, some of the kids were like, "Yessss no more extra English," but others asked for my email address so we could keep in touch. I finished my last class, turned in my keys, and felt like I should go find everyone who I'd gotten to know to say good-bye. But nobody was in the teachers' lounge, and I ended up just checking my locker one last time, walking out to get my bike just like every other day. Not a sense of closure at all.

Alan and I are working on getting our train situation worked out for Europe...Eurail passes are NOT as easy as they sound. Sometimes there are required reservations, sometimes the trains are already booked full. We ended up calling various foreign stations to make reservations, and finally Alan got to break out his German with the Vienna station. We have two legs of our 8ish-leg voyage booked: Amsterdam--Berlin, and Vienna--Venice. Hopefully the others line up so we can make those.

Yesterday I met with my banker to find out about closing my account. To my horror, she tried to take both my checkbook AND my debit card. I explained that I didn't want to close my account right then, as I had to wait for my last paycheck to be deposited...not to mention the fact that I'll be using my French card throughout Europe as we travel. At first, she was like, no, you have to give up all modes of payment before you leave Blois...but for me, that was just not going to work, obviously. I can't NOT have access to my account. So we arranged it that I'll drop the checkbook off on Saturday--won't need that anyway--and then before I leave France on the 3rd May, I'll send her a letter cancelling my account, requesting a wire transfer of my remaining balance to my American account, and I'll tuck the debit card--cut up--into the envelope. Whew.

Going to talk to M. Bride today about setting up my check-out appointment on Tuesday morning. Gotta CLEAN this place somethin they say here, it's a "grand bordel"...a huge brothel.


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